Thursday, May 21, 2009


What defines us? Is it an idea of who we think we are? A vague notion of who we want to be perceived as? Do we let others define us? Does our definition change?... Because of experience and someones opinion of us, something someone says or does. How manipulated are we, in our thoughts of ourselves by others ideas or actions? Maturity must play a role in our definitions. What we choose to mold our perceptions of ourselves as. Can we alter our definition by choice? So, if we don't like the person we think we are, or who we think others see, change.

Why does it matter so much to us what people think of us? Why do we alter ourselves to please others. Or, at least our perception of what we think they want. Why do people usually not see us as we see us? And where has all the rum gone?

Father God, I am so grateful others can not see me heart. I am so grateful You love me in spite of myself. I want your perspective to matter most. Please help me to see others the way You see them. How special and precious they truly are. Father, please help Emily & I to see ourselves the way You see us. To see what we need to change. And to see You the way You would have us see You.